Date Track Purse Racename Finish Time Last Q Winnings Odds Driver Trainer
2022-09-04 Pocono Downs $0 Kvallopp 1/3Q 1:58.1 30.1 $0 NB John Butenschoen John Butenschoen
2022-08-13 Pocono Downs nw9000L4
2022-07-30 Pocono Downs nw9000L4
2022-07-13 Tioga Downs OPEN
2022-07-06 Tioga Downs OPENHDCP
2022-06-30 Tioga Downs OPENHDCP
2022-06-22 Tioga Downs $9,000 NW7500L5 1/¾ 1:54.4 29.2 $4,500 *1.35 Ha Giannoulis Sam Stathis
2022-06-15 Tioga Downs $12,000 Open HDCP 5/1¾ 1:55.2 28.3 $600 26.75 Ha Giannoulis Sam Stathis
2022-06-09 Tioga Downs $9,000 NW7500L5 3/1½ 1:55.3 30.1 $1,080 7.30 Ha Giannoulis Sam Stathis
2022-06-01 Pocono Downs $14,000 nw12000L5 6/9½ 1:55.4 31.0 $0 10.40 Ha Giannoulis Sam Stathis
2022-05-14 Pocono Downs $11,000 nw7250L5 1/nk 1:57.4 30.1 $5,500 6.00 Ha Giannoulis Sam Stathis
2022-05-08 Pocono Downs $0 Qua 2/1¾ 1:56.3 29.2 $0 NB Sam Stathis Sam Stathis
2022-05-01 Pocono Downs $0 Kvallopp SCR
2023-02-06 Pompano Park $7,000 NW4500L4 6/11 1:58.0 31.1 $0 7.00 Sam Stathis Sam Stathis
2023-01-30 Pompano Park $8,000 NW5700L4 1/NS 1:55.4 29.4 $4,000 4.50 Sam Stathis Sam Stathis
2023-01-16 Pompano Park $10,000 DASHOPEN 3P9/1Q 1:10.3 $0 12.70 Sam Stathis Sam Stathis
2023-01-09 Pompano Park $10,000 OPEN DASH 7/14H 1:12.3 $0 13.00 Sam Stathis Sam Stathis
2022-12-27 Pompano Park $10,000 OPEN DASH 6/2Q 1:11.3 $0 17.30 Sam Stathis Sam Stathis
2022-12-13 Pompano Park $10,000 OPEN DASH 1/1H 1:10.0 $5,000 2.50 Sam Stathis Sam Stathis
2022-11-17 Pocono Downs $17,000 nw14000L5 2/1 1:55.0 30.1 $4,250 12.50 Sam Stathis Staffan Lind
2022-11-09 Meadowlands $13,500 nw8500L5cd 3/3Q 1:55.2 30.1 $1,620 12.50 Christian Lind Staffan Lind
2022-11-02 Meadowlands $13,000 NW8500L5CD 2/3 1:54.0 28.2 $3,250 11.90 Christian Lind Staffan Lind
2022-10-23 Yonkers Raceway $17,500 NW1000L5 5/5 1:58.0 29.2 $875 11.40 Christian Lind Staffan Lind
2022-10-15 Pocono Downs $11,000 NW6600L5 3/NK 1:56.0 29.4 $1,320 1.00 Christian Lind Staffan Lind
2022-09-29 The Red Mile $11,000 FMNW4LC 6/7 1:54.2 29.2 $0 4.00 Christian Lind Staffan Lind
2022-09-22 Hawthorne Racecourse $25,000 Invitational SCR
2022-09-15 Hoosier Park $9,500 nw5600L4 2/1 1:54.3 29.0 $2,375 *0.80 John De Long Staffan Lind
2022-09-04 Hoosier Park $9,500 nw5500L4 2/2 1:53.3 29.0 $2,375 1.10 John De Long Staffan Lind
2022-08-25 Hoosier Park $11,000 nw7500L4 3/3 1:54.4 28.4 $1,320 6.50 John De Long Staffan Lind
2022-08-18 Hoosier Park $11,000 nw7500L4 6/9 1:55.1 28.2 $0 5.20 Peter Wrenn Staffan Lind
2022-08-03 Scioto Downs $11,500 NW7000L4 7/7H 1:57.1 30.0 $0 4.50 Christian Lind Staffan Lind
2022-07-17 Scioto Downs $8,000 NW4000L4 1/T 1:55.3 29.2 $4,000 *1.00 Christian Lind Staffan Lind
2022-07-10 Hoosier Park $7,000 nw2500L4 2/1 1:55.2 28.1 $1,750 *0.90 Christian Lind Staffan Lind
2022-06-22 Meadowlands $12,000 nw8500L5cd 9/14 1:55.4 30.0 $0 9.20 Dewayne Minor Sam Stathis
2022-06-15 Meadowlands $13,000 nw8600L5cd 4/3H 1:54.0 28.3 $1,040 9.70 Dewayne Minor Sam Stathis
2022-06-03 Mohegan Sun Pocono $30,000 Opn Series SCR
2022-04-24 Pompano Park $8,500 OPEN II 8/8 1:57.1 31.2 $0 *1.50 Dewayne Minor Sam Stathis
2023-03-27 Pompano Park $0 Kvallopp
2017-11-12 Mohegan Sun Pocono $20,500 nw22500L5 3/4 1:54.2 29.4 $2,460 11.50 Marcus Miller Sam Stathis
2022-11-01 Mohegan Sun Pocono $0 Kvallopp 1/24 1:56.1 28.4 $0 NB Sam Stathis Sam Stathis
2022-10-12 Harrah`s Philadelphia $21,000 wo25000LT SCR
2022-09-23 Yonkers Raceway $50,000 OPEN HDP 8/DIS $0 5.10 Eric Goodell Staffan Lind
2022-09-10 Pocono Downs $25,000 wo25000Lt 1/2T 1:52.2 28.1 $12,500 3.00 Jim Marohn Jr Staffan Lind
2022-09-03 Yonkers Raceway $38,000 NW30000L5 2/2Q 2:26.4 29.1 $9,500 3.30 Eric Goodell Staffan Lind
2022-08-20 Yonkers Raceway $30,000 NW30000L5 1/1H 1:55.2 28.4 $15,000 17.50 Eric Goodell Staffan Lind
2022-08-06 Yonkers Raceway NW30500L5 4/1 1:55.0 28.4 $2,800 4.50 Christian Lind Staffan Lind
2022-07-30 Yonkers Raceway $68,000 OPEN HDP 6/9Q 2:26.3 30.1 $0 8.80 Christian Lind Staffan Lind
2022-07-15 Meadowlands $458,750 HamboMat 8/8 2:07.0 $4,587 73.00 Christian Lind Staffan Lind
2022-06-25 Pocono Downs $20,000 nw25000L5 2/1Q 1:52.4 28.0 $5,000 4.80 Christian Lind Staffan Lind
2022-06-18 Yonkers Raceway $68,000 PREFERRED 2/HD 2:26.2 29.4 $12,500 8.10 Christian Lind Staffan Lind
2022-06-04 Pocono Downs $25,000 wo25000Lt 2/5Q 1:55.1 29.0 $6,250 19.50 Christian Lind Staffan Lind
2022-05-27 Pocono Downs $16,500 nw18000L5 1/HD 1:54.2 28.1 $8,250 3.20 Christian Lind Staffan Lind
2022-05-13 Pocono Downs $14,000 nw12000L4 1/1 1:56.2 28.3 $7,000 2.30 Christian Lind Staffan Lind
2022-05-06 Pocono Downs $14,000 nw12000L5 2/H 1:55.1 29.1 $3,500 *2.00 Christian Lind Staffan Lind
2022-04-22 Pocono Dwons nw13000L5 4/2T 1:55.1 29.3 $1,120 7.80 Christian Lind Staffan Lind
2023-04-07 Southern Oaks $0 Kvallopp 1/6H 1:55.3 28.1 $0 NB Christian Lind Staffan Lind
2022-10-29 Meadowlands $500,000 BrdrsCrn F 8/8 1:54.4 28.2 $2,000 87.70 John Campbell Staffan Lind
2022-10-22 Meadowlands $25,000 BrdrsCrn E 5/2 1:55.2 27.3 $1,250 50.90 John Campbell Staffan Lind
2022-10-09 Lexington $46,800 FMKYFUTRTY 9/14H 1:55.4 30.4 $0 4.80 John Campbell Staffan Lind
2022-10-02 Lexington $62,400 BLUEGRASS 5/9H 1:55.0 29.0 $3,120 *0.40 John Campbell Staffan Lind
2022-09-17 Mohawk Raceway $436,000 Elegantimage 9/4 1:55.3 30.4 $0 14.50 Jody Jamieson Staffan Lind
2022-09-09 Mohawk Raceway $35,000 Elegantimage 2/2H 1:53.1 26.4 $6,563 3.60 Jody Jamieson Staffan Lind
2022-08-27 Yonkers Raceway $118,574 Hudson Filly 2/NS 1:56.1 28.3 $29,643 *0.25 John Campbell Staffan Lind
2022-08-13 The Meadows $147,500 Moni Maker 1/1H 1:54.1 28.1 $73,750 *0.50 John Campbell Staffan Lind
2022-08-06 Meadowlands $500,000 Hambo Oaks 3/4Q 1:53.0 28.4 $54,000 5.10 John Campbell Staffan Lind
2022-07-30 Meadowlands $50,000 HamboOaksE 1/NK 1:53.1 27.4 $25,000 5.30 John Campbell Staffan Lind
2022-07-16 Meadowlands $95,250 D Miller M 3/H 1:52.2 27.1 $11,495 5.90 John Campbell Staffan Lind
2022-07-01 Tioga Downs $27,690 TOMPGEERS 1/4 1:54.4 28.3 $13,845 *0.15 John Campbell Staffan Lind
2022-06-13 Mohawk $105,000 OSS GOLD 3/5H 1:54.3 28.4 3.95 John Campbell Staffan Lind
2022-05-28 Mohawk $174,329 S.B.O.A STAKES 3/3H 1:53.3 29.1 3.25 Sylvain Filion Staffan Lind
2022-05-21 Mohawk Raceway $25,000 S.B.O.A STAKES 1/3H 1:54.1 28.2 $? 0.40* Sylvain Filion Staffan Lind
2022-05-07 Meadowlands $0 Kvallopp 1/T 1:56.3 28.1 $0 NB John Campbell Staffan Lind
2022-04-23 Meadowlands $0 Kvallopp 1/H 1:57.1 28.2 $0 NB John Campbell Staffan Lind
2022-10-16 Woodbine Raceway $25,752 BRDRS CROW 8/DIS $0 3.25 Brett Miller Staffan Lind
2022-10-07 Lexington $66,500 INT STLLON 1/1H 1:54.0 28.3 $33,250 *0.10 Brett Miller Staffan Lind
2022-09-30 Lexington $129,500 BLUEGRASS 1/H 1:56.1 28.3 $64,750 1.30 Brett Miller Staffan Lind
2022-09-19 Mohawk Raceway $410,000 PEACEFUL W 2/1Q 1:56.2 29.1 $71,668 3.55 Brett Miller Staffan Lind
2022-09-10 Mohawk Raceway $30,000 PEACEFUL W 1/4 1:55.2 29.1 $15,000 2.65 MILLER,BRETT A LIND,STAFFAN K
2022-08-30 Tioga Downs $10,000 KINDERGRTN 1/1T 1:55.3 28.1 $5,000 1.75 CAMPBELL,JOHN D LIND,STAFFAN K
2022-08-19 Pocono Downs $12,000 Mdn 2yrF 2/T 1:56.4 28.4 $3,000 *0.20 NAPOLITANO JR,GEORGE LIND,STAFFAN K
2022-08-08 Meadowlands $389,450 JDohertyM 7/38Q 2:02,0g 30.0 $3,894 17.10 MILLER,BRETT A LIND,STAFFAN K
2022-07-31 Meadowlands $20,000 JDohertyM 2/3H 1:54.1 28.4 $5,000 16.20 MILLER,BRETT A LIND,STAFFAN K
2022-07-24 Meadowlands $10,000 Kndrgrtn 2/1H 1:56.2 28.0 $2,500 23.90 MILLER,BRETT A LIND,STAFFAN K
2022-07-18 Meadowlands $0 2yr F Q 2/1H 1:59.4 28.1 *QUA* NB MILLER,BRETT A LIND,STAFFAN K