Mohawk                 Free For All trooters
Stakes Record:  Mister Herbie  1:50.4 (2012)

Datum      Purse     Vinnare            Kön Härstamning                             Körsven              Tränare                 Dist.  Tid      Tvåa                Trea              
2022-08-31 600 000   Guardian Angel As  h   Archangel - Provide As                  Tim Tetrick          Anette Lorentzon        1609   1:50.4   Atlanta             Marion Marauder 
2022-09-01 651 000   Crazy Wow          h   Crazed - No Pan No Gain                 Jody Jamieson        Marcus Melander         1609   1:51.1   Marion Marauder     Ariana G 
2022-09-16 593 000   Hannelore Hanover  s   Swan For All - High Sobriety            Yannick Gingras      Ron Burke               1609   1:51.1   Jl Cruze            Pasithea Face 
2022-09-17 632 000   Resolve            h   Muscle Hill - Anikawiesahalee           Åke Svanstedt        Åke Svanstedt           1609   1:51.4   Hannelore HAnover   Shake It Cerry 
2022-09-19 685 000   Bee A Magician     s   Kadabra - Beehive                       Brian Sears          Richard "Nifty" Norman  1609   1:52.3   Resolve             Natural Herbie 
2022-07-19 603 000   Intimidate         v   Justice Hall - Fabulous Tag             Sylvain Filion       Luc Blais               1609   1:54.2   Sebastian K.        Market Share  
2022-07-20 750 000   Market Share       h   Revenue - Classical Flirt               Tim Tetrick          Linda Toscano           1609   1:51.1   Mister Herbie       Uncle Peter 
2022-07-21 750 000   Mister Herbie      v   Here Comes Herbie - Independent Lassie  Jody Jamieson        Jeffrey Gillis          1609   1:50.4   Chapter Seven       Hot Shot Blue Chip  
2022-07-23 730 000   San Pail           v   San Pellegrino - Village Beauty         Randy Waples         Rodney Hughes           1609   1:51.1   Arch Madness        Hot Shot Blue Chip
2022-07-24 772 000   San Pail           v   San Pellegrino - Village Beauty         Randy Waples         Rodney Hughes           1609   1:51.3   Reven d’Amour       Slave Dream
2022-07-25 720 500   San Pail           v   San Pellegrino - Village Beauty         Randy Waples         Rodney Hughes           1609   1:52.1   Arch Madness        Lucky Jim
2022-09-20 728 600   Arch Madness       v   Balanced Image - Armbro Archer          Brian Sears          Trond Smedshammer       1609   1:52.0   Enough Talk         Armbro Chronicle
2022-09-15 693 500   Equinox Bi         v   Valley Boss Bi-Personal Banner          Trevor Ritchie       Jan Nordin              1609   1:35.4   Vivid Photo         Corleone Kosmos
2022-09-09 877 500   Peaceful Way       s   Angus Hall - Royal Bait                 Trevor Ritchie       David Tingley           1609   1:53.3   Stiletto            Med Vac 
2022-09-17 771 540   Mr Muscleman       v   Muscles Yankee - Meadowbranch Irene     Ron Pierce           Michael C. Vanderkemp   1609   1:52.1   Muscles Marinara    Mystical Sunshine 
2022-09-18 662 970   Mr Muscleman       v   Muscles Yankee - Meadowbranch Irene     Ron Pierce           Michael C. Vanderkemp   1609   1:53.2   Tsar d'Inverne      Revenue 
2022-09-13 630 110   Rotation           h   Balanced Image - Expressway Hanover     Trevor Ritchie       Harald Lunde            1609   1:53.2   HP Paque            Fool's Goal 
2022-09-14 536 130   Fool's Goal        v   Armbro Goal - Contestique               Jack Moiseyev        Jim Doherty             1609   1:53.1   Plesac              Monte Hall 
2022-08-25 838 500   Plesac             h   Armbro Charger - Astute Yankee          Doug Brown           John Butenschoen        1609   1:53.2   Dr Ronerail         Dream Vacation 
2022-08-26 582 500   Magician           v   Royal Prestige - Incredible Charm       David Miller         Earl Cruise             1609   1:52.3   Moni Maker          Lifetime Memories 
2022-08-21 292 250   Goodtimes          v   Balanced Image - Goodtime Kathy         Dave Wall            John Bax                1609   1:53.2   Corn Cob Conch      Supergrit 
2022-07-18 315 500   Hanko Angus        v   A Worthy Lad - Angus Bonemar            Rick Zeron           Rick Zeron              1609   1:54.0   Supergrit           Goodtimes 
2022-07-11 228 500   Supergrit          v   Supergill - Gutsy Lobell                Mark Jordan          Mark Jordan             1609   1:55.0   Glorys Comet        Yentls Iceman 
2022-07-12 200 000   Wesgate Crown      h   Royal Prestige - Armbro Gaelic          Cat Manzi            Rob MacKenzie           1609   1:54.0   Megarama            Larks Luke 
2022-07-15 200 000   Glorys Comet       v   Balanced Image - Lou Macs Glory         John Holmes          George Peters           1609   1:55.1   S J's Photo         Goodtimes 
2022-07-16 100 000   Earl               h   Balanced Image - Linfields Gem          Roger Mayotte        Chris Christoforou Sr.  1609   1:54.2   Night Court Dan     SJ's Photo 
2022-07-17 100 000   Program Speed      h   Super Bowl - Classic Casette            William Gale         William Robinson        1609   1:56.4   Earl                No Sex Please 
2022-08-15 100 000   No Sex Please      v   Brisco Hanover - Gay Ann Herbert        Ron Waples           Ron Waples Jr.          1609   1:57.0   Ramerizi            Honkin Hanover 
2022-08-17 100 000   H.H. Killington    h   Super Juan - H.H Kathy                  Mario Baillargeon    Rick Quesnel            1609   1:57.4   Magic Moose         Florida Jewel 
2022-08-18 293 250   No Sex Please      v   Brisco Hanover - Gay Ann Herbert        Ron Waples           Ron Waples Jr.          1609   1:57.0   Florida Jewel       Peach Pit 
2022-07-08 241 600   No Sex Please      v   Brisco Hanover - Gay Ann Herbert        Ron Waples           Ron Waples Jr.          1609   1:56.2   Lodestar Lobell     Arnies Exchange 
2022-07-01 209 000   Natural Image      v   Balanced Image - Lauxmont Super Car     Steve Condren        Brad Maxwell            1609   1:56.3   Go Get Lost         A Js Image 
2022-07-06 192 100   Franconia          s   Nevele Thunder - Maggie Doo Dah         John Campbell        Ron Gurfein             1609   1:57.2   Shannon Bright      Jersey Blizzard 
2022-07-21 174 600   Grades Singing     s   Texas - Singing Bay                     Herve Filion         Herve Filion            1609   1:57.2   Piggvar             Fuchsia 
2022-08-26 140 500   Manfred Hanover    h   Super Bowl - Miss Sue Hanover           Patsy Rapone         Walt Szczepanski        1609   1:58.1   Sandy Bowl          Yankee Predator 
2022-08-10 143 000   Bridger            h   Armbro Jet - Mygal Haw Lea              Ron Waples           Dave Green              1609   1:57.2   Bobbo               Quick In Action 
2022-09-02 143 000   Bridger            h   Armbro Jet - Mygal Haw Lea              John Campbell        Dave Green              1609   1:58.2   Keystone            Triton Bobbo 
2022-07-19 136 500   Bobbo              v   Pay Freight - Flemington's Jane         Norm Jones           Norm Jones              1609   1:59.3   Uptown              Banker Barker 
2022-08-15 102 500   Super Marty        h   Super Bowl - Keystone Hattie            Herman Hylkema       Herman Hylkema          1609   2:00.1   Final Score         Mac Breton 
2022-08-02 104 000   Lindys Crown       h   Lindy's Pride - Speedy Toe              Larry Walker         Howard Beissinger       1609   2:00.4   Noble Lad           Classical Way 
2022-08-25 100 000   Cold Comfort       h   Hickory Pride - Carilla Hanover         Billy Haughton       Billy Haughton          1609   1:59.3   Kawartha Arctic     Crystal Lens 
2022-07-22  90 000   Cold Comfort       h   Hickory Pride - Carilla Hanover         Peter Haughton       Billy Haughton          1609   2:01.1   Ima Lula            Sharp Steele 
2022-08-06 100 000   Ima Lula           s   Hickory Pride - Noccalula               Joe O’Brien          Joe O’Brien             1609   1:59.2   Keystone Pioneer    Quick Work 
2022-08-07  27 160   Savoir             v   Star's Pride - Spicy Song               Ben Steall           Al Thomas               1609   2:04.1   Songflori           Dream Of Glory 
2022-08-09  47 450   Savoir             v   Star's Pride - Spicy Song               John Chapman         John Chapman            1609   2:01.4   Elesnar             Star Shot 
2022-08-09  47 450   Delmonica Hanover  s   Speedy Count - Delicious                John Chapman         Harold Dancer Sr.       1609   2:02.2   Golden Sovereign    Surge Hanover 
2022-08-10  64 600   Colonial Charm     s   Speedster - Darn Yankee                 Jack Bailey          Glen Garnsey            1609   2:01.1   Claybrook Van       Spartan Hanover 
2022-08-11  62 800   Flower Child       h   Florlis - Maura                         Joe O’Brien          Joe O’Brien             1609   2:00.2   Aiken               Spartan Hanover 
2022-08-12  60 400   Speedy Crown       h   Speedy Scot - Missile Toe               Howard Beissinger    Howard Beissinger       1609   2:00.3   Flower Child        Une de Mai 
2022-08-07  57 100   Grandpa Jim        h   Newport Star - Cream Up                 Richard Farrington   Robert Farrington       1609   2:01.2   Luther Hanover      Fresh Yankee 
2022-08-08  49 500   Grandpa Jim        h   Newport Star - Cream Up                 Robert Farrington    Robert Farrington       1609   2:00.4   Fresh Yankee        Dayan 
2022-08-23  41 000   Grandpa Jim        h   Newport Star - Cream Up                 Robert Farrington    Robert Farrington       1609   2:01.3   Eric B              Quick 
2022-07-27  32 800   Earl Laird         v   Jean Laird - Lady M.                    James Cruise         James Cruise            1609   2:02.0   Governor Armbro     Stereo Hanover 
2022-08-11  19 000   Critic’s Choice    v   Rodney - Joyce Gallon                   Ron Feagan           Frank Safford           1609   2:02.2   Nevele Dell         Governor Armbro 
2022-08-13  12 100   Sprite Kid         h   Kimberly Kid - Sprite Hanover           Roger White          Roger White             1609   2:02.0   Cadenza             Betsy Herbert 
2022-08-14  13 050   Duke Rodney        h   Rodney - Duke's Dutchess                Don Huff             Don Huff                1925   2:29.4   Sprite Kid          Betsy Herbert 
2022-09-29  12 700   Tie Silk           h   Rodney - Pure Silk                      Marcel Dostie        Marcel Dostie           1925   2:31.1   Canadian Intrusion  Sprite Kid 
2022-08-30  12 800   Tie Silk           h   Rodney - Pure Silk                      Frank Baise          Frank Baise             1810   2:28.0   Sprite Kid          Flash Song 
2022-08-31  14 110   Duke of Decatur    h   Duke of Lullwater - Miss Decatur        Keith Waples         Keith Waples            1609   2:04.0   Wee Irish           Anne Gallon 
2022-08-19  11 680   Tie Silk           h   Rodney - Pure Silk                      Howard Beissinger    Howard Beissinger       1609   2:07.3   Wee Irish           Dalyce Blue 
2022-08-20   4 095   Selka Song         s   Victory Song - Selka Scot               Harold McKinley      Harold McKinley         1609   2:07.3   Mr Baldridge        Legal Prince 
2022-08-20   6 150   Selka Song         s   Victory Song - Selka Scot               Harold McKinley      Harold McKinley         1609   2:07.2   Mr Baldridge        Flemington 
2022-08-15   6 120   Mr. Baldridge      h   Worthy Boy - Penelope Hanover           Russell Valles Key   Phil Dussault           1609   2:03.4   Selka Song          Homestead Dan 
2022-08-23   5 120   Mr. Baldridge      h   Worthy Boy - Penelope Hanover           Phil Dussault        Phil Dussault           1609   2:02.1   Selka Song          In Free 
2022-08-03   4 730   In Free            s   Rodney - Slip Up                        Harold McKinley      Harold McKinley         1609   2:07.4   The Bethel Boy      Laddie Hanover 
2022-08-03           In Free            s   Rodney - Slip Up                        Harold McKinley      Harold McKinley         1609   2:07.2   Rebel Al            Laddie Hanover 
2022-08-11   3 500   Ben Boy            h   Van Riddell - Lady Iris                 Keith Waples         Keith Waples            1609   2:10.0   Lady Pearl          Edward Van 
2022-08-11   2 500   Vanduzen           v   Mr Van - Florence Private               Jack Mehlenbacher    Jack Melhenbacher       1609   2:07.0   Celia’s Counsel     Dolly Todd 
2022-08-18   3 000   Celia’s Counsel    s   Chief Counsel - High Celia              Earl Rowe            Earl Rowe               1609   2:08.0   Maine Song          Sheila Lee 
2022-08-17   3 000   Projectile         h   Protector - Fionne                      Phil Dussault        Phil Dussault           1710   2:14.0   Billy Stout         Duke Volo